FREE INDEED Poem Devotional

October 11
You have died with Christ and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world. -Colossians 3:20 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believed in Jesus Christ
He has freed you from bondage in this life
Why do you keep on following the world’s rules?
Shouldn’t you be focused only on God’s truth?
When Christ suffered and died for you on the cross
You were freed and no longer slaves to sin and lost
Be faithful to the only one who can keep you free
He alone can grant you forgiveness and mercy.
There are some believers who do not live in the freedom that was given to them when Christ died on the cross for all of us sinners. It took me many years before I finally accepted the new life that I received from Christ’s blood. I kept on going back to my old self but once I got revelation from our Lord, I made a decision to choose to live that free life that was a result of his sacrifice.
When we focus on the standards of this world, it would be very difficult to stay free. Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy our relationship with God. Focus on Jesus and you will know the truth and will be set free.
Lord, thank you for granting me freedom from sin by your blood.
What attitudes and habits do you need to give up so you can stay free?
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