REAL LIFE Poem Devotional

January 3
For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.
– Colossians 3:3 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What is the focus of your life?
Is it to have pleasure or do follow Christ?
When you accepted Jesus as your Savior
Your real life is hidden in Christ as a believer.
Spend your moments with God as often as you can
He will transform you as you obey his commands
You are dead to this world and alive in Christ
Manifest it by the way you live and stay in his light.
We live in a world where we all aim to have all the comforts and conveniences in life. Social media have created so much wants for us under the guise of needs. Do we really know why we are here on earth? Ecclesiastes 1:2 tells us that everything is meaningless. We try to visualize the life we always wanted but is that what real life is? Is that the will of God for us?
Paul talks to us about our real life hidden with Christ in God. We will only be victorious and share his glory if we follow his lead. He wants us to live the new life and seek the Lord so that we will discern what God really wants for us. Then, we will discover our purpose in fulfilling God’s kingdom here on earth.
Lord, help me to always meditate on your will and truth.
How close are you to fulfilling the real life that God planned for you?
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