canadablooms 139

July 13
I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.
– John 17:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know what God’s purpose is in your life?
Are all the things you do giving glory to Christ?
When Jesus was here on earth, he completed his work
He expects you to finish your calling in this world.
He wants each of his people to preach the gospel
It needs to reach the ends of the earth, so go and tell
Complete your work so you can bring glory to your Father
Obeying and fulfilling His plan will make you grow and prosper.
Our God is a god of completion. When he created the world and the whole universe, he completed it in six days and on the seventh day, he rested. He felt good when he finished the things he planned to create. He did not leave anything hanging and undone. Since we are made in God’s image, we too are the same. When we accomplish a task, job or project we are tackling, we get a sense of fulfillment. Just like when we go through a journey, we’d like to reach our destination. Completing a job is the same. We feel glorious that we arrived at our set goal. When Jesus came on earth to save us, he completed the work on the cross so we will be free.
Thank you for completing to save us through Christ’s death.
What does finishing your work do to your spirit?
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