September 6________________________________________
But the apostles stayed there a long time, preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord. And the Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders. – Acts 14:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you declare the word of the Lord
He will give you boldness to proclaim his word
His apostles confidently preached the Good news
They were not afraid to face any kinds of threat or abuse.
Their faith was so strong that they were able to do wonders
They healed the sick and bring many people to think and ponder
Such courage only came upon them by the grace of Jesus
He will bless and prosper anyone who believes, they are all precious.
There are many confident people who does not know the Lord. Anyone who have such assurance to declare or do something for their own pleasure is not the same as having boldness to do things for the Lord Jesus Christ. I used to be a haughty person, speaking confidently about all that I know and the things I excelled in. Yes, I can be able to show off to others my talents and abilities, but if I do it so that I can be praised, it isn’t for God’s glory that they are doing it. The bible says that he will be with anyone who will boldly proclaim the Good News.
Lord, help me to have the boldness to always spread your word.
How is the world’s concept of boldness different from God’s vision of it?
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