canadablooms 143 (2)

August 13
But I didn’t want to do anything without your consent. I wanted you to help because you were willing, not because you were forced. – Philemon 14(NLT)
poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever you consult with someone you love
You are actually showing reverence for God
By asking others, we make them feel validated
When you are overlooked, you may feel violated.
Consultation can bring much unity and harmony
It shows your love for others and can bring victory
Whenever you ask Gods’ opinion on certain matters
You gain wisdom in life and circumstances get handled.
“Consult” is defined as to go to someone for advice; to ask for the professional opinion of someone; or to talk about something with someone in order to make a decision. When I was a Speech Teacher, many of my colleagues consulted me with syllabi and programs to enhance effective communication as teachers. It felt good to be validated but it also benefitted the school’s academic vision. I was a bookworm and would oftentimes borrow over 300 books in our library for the year. They were different subjects I read, not just those topics I taught. I always consulted experts so I can learn about things and grow.
The bible tells us how important consulting someone is in a relationship. It shows that you respect their views. It manifests humility and respect.
Help us to consult other believers before we make choices and decisions.
Why is asking for consent vital in a relationship?

For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at