DEVOUR GOD’S WORD Poem Devotional

April 25________________________________________
When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O, Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. – Jeremiah 15:16(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you become a believer, you begin to crave for the Lord
You will only know him deeper if through devouring his word
It is the food for the spirit that keeps us spiritually healthy
It brings all lies into the light and gives us the victory.
When we eat the food for our spirits, we become wise
It clears our minds and hearts and exposes ill advice
Consume the word so you can experience a life of peace
It brings us comfort, corrects, convicts and makes us see.
I don’t know of anyone who does not like eating. In fact, one of the hardest to control in our senses is “taste.” With the explosion of the culinary arts in the last decades, it has become harder to control ourselves from cravings. How we consume food and how the food industry has brainwashed us to think that we are being fed good food, when we are actually slowly poisoned.
We can look at how the enemy also poisons our spirit with all kinds of lies and tricks. The word of God is our weapon and shield. It can deliver us from bondage to sin and addictions.
Lord, thank you for your word that gives us life.
How often must a believer consume the word of God?
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