picnic 2012 ocf 098

May 24
Mockers hate to be corrected so they stay away from the wise.
-Proverbs 15:12 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Pride is the source of those who hate correction
They don’t care about others and want isolation
They stay away from those who are wise
Mockers hate any evaluation or advice.
Scoffers do whatever they please which leads to ruin
They have no respect for others and wallow in sin
When you encounter them, be wise and stay away
All they are up to is to boast their own way.
I used to know someone who hated correction. All he wanted to do is to tell everyone his own opinion. He never seeks advice, he just gives them and bullies others to do what he thinks should be done. He manipulates anyone who trusted him. He never wants to be told what to do but wants to be control everyone he had relations with.
The clear sign of a wise person is one who seeks advice and listens to others. The bible talks much about wisdom in the book of Proverbs. There are many chapters in this book that stresses the importance of embracing wisdom and warns us of the consequences that fools face.
We are warned to stay away from mockers in Proverbs. We are clearly given the signs of scoffers. One of them is that they never want to be corrected.
Lord, please let me accept your convictions.
How can you protect yourself from scoffers?
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