CRY OUT TO GOD Poem Devotional

rbg 182 (2)

January 19________________________________________
But in my distress I cried out to the Lord: yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears. -Psalm 18:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever you have difficulties and pain
Do you cry out to God and call his name?
In your distress, run to Jesus Christ
He is the only one who can ease your life.
He hears you from his sanctuary
Only in him will we have victory
Don’t despair for he will never forsake you
He loves you so much; he is faithful and true.
To cry is defined by the dictionary as “to produce tears from your eyes often while making loud sounds because of pain, sorrow, or other strong emotions.” In the biblical perspective, crying out to God is a fervent expression of faith in God and trust in His goodness and power to act on your behalf. Crying out to God expresses dependence on him, humility, surrender and total helplessness. As opposed to the world’s view that crying is a form of weakness, the bible summons us to cry out to God for help. King David often cried out to God for help.
We are encouraged and instructed in the bible to run to God and ask him for help. Whenever we cry out to him, we acknowledge our weakness and his power.
Lord, I cry out for you to save my family.
What benefit do we get when we cry out to God for help?
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