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May 19________________________________________
See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people. – 1 Thessalonians 5:15 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Has anyone done you wrong lately?
Don’t retaliate, forgive quickly
Don’t pay back evil for evil
Or you will open doors for the devil.
The Lord wants us to do good always
It manifests our love and kindness
If you are a disciple of Jesus
You will easily grant forgiveness.________________________________________
In Exodus 21:24, we are told of the law “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.” In his book The End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in the Pauline Theology, Jason Meyer explains that the concept of “an eye for eye,” sometimes called jus talionis or lex talionis, is part of the Mosaic Law used in the Israelites’ justice system. Justice should be equitable; excessive harshness and excessive leniency should be avoided. Meyer clearly states in his book that this law was for the judicial system and doesn’t apply to personal relationships.
In Matthew 5, Jesus teaches the opposite of this law when he said in verse 39 to offer your other cheek if someone slaps you. Paul reiterates Christ’s teaching about doing good and letting go of being wronged. He advises us to give back good for evil.
Lord, thank you for teaching us how to forgive.
Why do you think it’s difficult to do good to those who do you wrong?
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