DOING THE WORD Poem Devotional

October 26
A poem by ILMA
The word of God is not just to be read, memorized or studied
It is like spiritual food to be followed in order for us to be nourished
If you only listen to it and don’t obey or incorporate it in your life
It’s as if you’re looking at your face in a mirror and forgot what you looked like.
If you meditate on the perfect law that sets you free and do as it says
You will be blessed and experience the transforming power of the law
If you claim to be religious but have not done what God says
Then you are only fooling yourself since it won’t change your ways.
Pure and authentic religion in God’s eyes means caring for others
It is giving aide especially to those who are poor and vulnerable
Taking care of the orphans, widows, the oppressed and the weak
This is what God considers pure and undefiled religion
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. – James 1:22
Read: James 1:22-27
It is sad to see many Christians live shallow lives that do not honor and obey the truth that comes from Scriptures. Many religions have not done their part to actually ensure that the members of their congregation are actually growing and following God’s commands. Sometimes, the trouble even lies in the leadership themselves where they have twisted the true meaning of pure and undefiled religion. They are more concerned with the organization rather than the vision that God has mandated us all, to preach the Good News and make disciples of all nations.
• Why does the book of James require us to “do’ the word of God instead of just reading and studying it? What happens if just read or study it without applying it?
• Why is it dangerous for believers to just follow religious rituals and doctrines?