WORK ADDICTION Poem Devotional

port elgin camping 2012 358

April 1________________________________________
Who am I working for? Why am I giving up so much pleasure now? It is all so meaningless and depressing. – Ecclesiastes 4:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When people toil morning till night
They lose relationships and joy in this life
Those who aim for more comfort and wealth
They’ll reap emptiness and compromise their health.
Work addiction results in isolation and brokenness
It draws us away from God’s love and righteousness
Working too much blocks all kinds of relationships
It hinders growth and interrupts all kinds of friendships.
For many decades, I was a work addict. From age twenty up until my fifties, I was trying to prove to myself and others that I was hardworking and excellent in what I do. What I didn’t realized was that it was taking so much toll in my body. I was putting up art shows in 10 straight years, sometimes 5-6 exhibits in a year. Simultaneous to my painting career was teaching full time, single parenting, photographing, theater acting and stage managing. It wasn’t a surprise when I would constantly have migraines and all kinds of illnesses. One day, God taught me a really good lesson. I got so sick for three straight months to a point where I can’t even raise my fingers or go to the bathroom on my own.
It was all meaningless because I didn’t have much time for the Lord.
Lord, deliver me from too much compulsion to work.
How can working too much become harmful to people?
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