WATCH GOD RESCUE Poem Devotional

winter 2013 landscapes 001

February 24
Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Lord himself will fight for you, just stay calm. – Exodus 14:13, 14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you beset with troubles and suffering?
Fear not! Your faithful God never stops caring
He knows every detail of your predicament
You need not continue to wallow or lament.
Just stand still and watch God rescue you today
He is fair to those who love him and will show a way
Stay calm, he has you covered and will fight for you
Trust in his omnipotence because he restores and renew.
One of the characteristics of God is his faithfulness. Among many verses that talks about the faithfulness of the Lord is Psalm 119:90. It says that “your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created.” God’s faithfulness withstands all time and all things. I witness to this character of God in many past circumstances in my life and feel unworthy at how he can continue to love a sinner like me. The bible says that we shouldn’t be afraid because God will always rescue us. He will fight for us and so we ought to stay calm and trust that he will see us through. God continually shows us his loving kindness, mercy and faithfulness.
Lord, teach me to be faithful to you.
How can you stay faithful to God in this wicked world?
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