canadablooms 143 (2)

June 27
So I went in and saw the walls covered with engravings of all kinds of crawling animals and detestable creatures. I also saw the various idols worshiped by the people of Israel.
– Ezekiel 8:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
People have turned their backs to God
Minds are twisted and hearts are hard
They worship all kinds of idols to replace Him
They disconnected to his love and lived in sin.
Wealth, people, money, even family are some idols
Living your life against his will is turning against the Lord
Religious acts and legalism bring hypocrisy at its height
Jesus died so we can have relationship, stop putting up a fight.
Many decades of my life was wasted on idols. The Lord revealed to me these past six years the real reason why he transported me to Canada. I married a Canadian, so God used this decision (which I did out of loneliness) to pull me out of a country that was predominantly dominated by the spirit of idolatry and religion. It was amazing how I got freed from these strongholds that have kept me in bondage for many years. I kneeled on images in the past and not read any of his truth in the bible. I didn’t realize how cleverly Satan created idols in the form of my own child, spouse, career, knowledge, etc. I prioritized them instead of making God first in my life.
Lord, forgive me each time I idolize and prioritize other things instead of you.
How does God rank in your life?
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