March 9
I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me. – Proverbs 8:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you seek the Lord with all your heart
You will find him, he will stay and never depart
He loves all those who love faithfully seek him
He shows himself to them and grants them peace.
Whenever you hunger for knowing Jesus
You will know that he considers you very precious
Search and you will find, ask and it will be given
If you follow his will, you’ll have a taste of heaven.
Have you ever lost something and had a hard time finding it? Many times I struggle to remember where I put something. I am usually a very organized person but when I get overwhelmed with “busy-ness” and lack of sleep, I fail to have a mind that is clear and focused.
The bible tells us that God is love and that he loves us all. Proverbs 8:17 gives us more reassurance that when we search or seek him, he will show himself to us. Though God loves us unconditionally, he also rewards those who faithfully loves him and manifest their devotion by hungering for him and having a personal relationship with him and the people around them. How many times did we fail to see the Lord’s will in our lives because we were so busy chasing other things instead of seeking him?
Lord, help me prioritize you first in all that I do.
How come some believers struggle knowing their purpose in life?
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