September 27
________________________________________ FAITHFUL WITNESSING TO TRUTH
1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.2 Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.5 Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; 6 and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth.9 I wrote something to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept what we say. 10 For this reason, if I come, I will call attention to his deeds which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words; and not satisfied with this, he himself does not receive the brethren, either, and he forbids those who desire to do so and puts them out of the church. – 3 John 1-10
John writes to a “dear friend” named Gaius. He is commended for his hospitality to traveling preachers of the gospel (verses 5, 6 and 8); for his faithfulness (verse 5); for his love (verse 6); and for his walking in the truth (verse 3). According to tradition this Gaius may be the one whom John appointed as bishop of Pergamum.
John mentions Diotrephes in this account who is described as one who likes to be “Number One.” He had to be the important guy, the one everybody came to for answers to their questions, the one to make the big decisions. He even went so far as to say malicious things against John. He prated against him with malicious words. He spoke down on him. John warns his dear friend of this proud and arrogant person who rejects the believers and puts people out of the church.
In our modern society, we find many people like Diotrephes who brings chaos and confusion to the church. They create division and does not follow humility. We don’t see many believers like Gaius who exudes hospitality to those who work for God’s kingdom and for his devotion to God. Walking in truth and love is one of his greatest Christian hallmarks. We need to follow the example of this faithful servant of God in order to keep our sanctification intact.
• How can believers be consistently faithful to witness to truth?