CALLED TO DO GOOD Poem Devotional

rbg 182 (2)

August 2
For God called you to do good even if it means suffering just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example and you must follow his step. – 1 Peter 2:21 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What is your purpose in life?
Isn’t it to bring joy and light?
Christ suffered so you can be free
He wants you to be able to see.
Jesus is the example that you must follow
He pulls you out from being shallow
You are called to do good and to avoid evil
If you follow Christ, you will piss off the devil.
All people are essentially good. We were made in God’s image, so we must always remember that our default setting is to be like him. Our make is designed to righteousness. The enemy does his best to reset it to do the opposite of what we were created for. The devil infiltrates our minds with lies and later on attacks our heart as well. This is why the bible always reminds us to guard our hearts because Satan is after it.
You were called by God to do good even if it means suffering just as Christ suffered for you. He is the epitome of goodness and the perfect example for us to follow. The authentic Christian is not just a talker but a doer. Christ came so we can overcome evil through acts of love and humility.
Lord, help me to always remember to do good.
What lies have the enemy told you that challenge your goodness?
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