September 22
A poem by ILMA
Is there any reassurance from being a follower of Christ?
Any relief from his love? Any closeness with the Spirit?
Are your hearts affectionate and kind like Jesus’ heart?
Then agree with each other, love, and work harmoniously.
Avoid thinking of yourself always and don’t impress others
Be modest and think of others as better than yourselves
Don’t be concerned only for your own benefit, but think of others too
Do your best have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
Jesus could have thought of being equal with God
But he gave up his divine rights, something to be awed?
Instead, he gave up his divine privilege and became a slave
He was born as a human being in obedience to God.
Jesus died a criminal’s death on a cross
So, God raised him to the place of highest honor
He gave him the name above all other names
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.
You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. – Philippians 2:5
Read: Philippians 2:1-11
The apostle Paul warns the Philippians about the importance of a Christ-like attitude. He gives further guidance how to be a true follower of Jesus. The importance of modesty and humility is further stressed in this letter. He gave the example of Jesus who could have used his own power to be equal with God but instead chose to be a slave.
• Why is humility one of the most important trait that we can emulate from Christ?
• Why is self-centeredness something that a Christian must never indulge in?
• Why is it important that we Christians think highly of others instead of ourselves?

DO WHAT CHRIST DID Poem Devotional

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September 25
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. -John 14:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Christ wants us to follow his example
That is the sign of a true disciple
Anyone who believes in him does what he did
They follow him and choose to do good deeds.
Truly, truly, Jesus wants us to do the same works
Like him, we are precious to God and have worth
He sits beside the Father and wants us to be there too
Only in doing what he did will we be saved and renewed.
When Jesus was with his disciples, he shared with them many truths and promises. One of these truths says that the proof of our faith lies on what we do. It didn’t mention that it is based on what we say. Some Christians live double lives. They declare that they believe in Jesus and yet they live worldly lives and believe in so many lies that the enemy present in their lives. I, too am guilty of this when I was bound with the spirit of religion. I did what my religion required which was not what always Jesus did when he was still alive. We are asked to follow his example if we claim to be Christians.
Lord, let me always follow your example.
Why do you think people don’t do what they say?
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