SHARING BURDENS poem devotional

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November 1________________________________________
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. –Galatians 6:2(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What burdens do you have that is so heavy?
Do you have the courage to share them to somebody?
Be vulnerable; open your afflictions with one another
He made us to relate to our sisters and brothers.
Share your challenges amongst the body of Christ
It will strengthen and encourage you to face life
It shows your need for God and all his chosen ones
Humility is shown when you share yourself to someone.________________________________________
The world dictates us to hide our weaknesses and show only the side that is perfect to others. These people learn to mask and cover up all their difficulties and trials. I know someone who never showed his true identity. He had a front to each person, just like playing a role to them. One day, he got so confused because he couldn’t remember what role he played to someone and mixed it up with the other pretend part he did with someone else. We could go on living masquerades in our lives but it doesn’t do us any good. In fact, it makes our lives stressful, trying to mask our weaknesses.
The bible tells us that sharing our burdens with others is a true act of humility. Humility is acknowledging both your strengths and weaknesses and sharing it with others.
Lord, give me courage to share my burdens.
Why are we commanded to share our burdens with others?
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