October 19
Thus, the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. – Genesis 2:1-3
A poem inspired by these verses by ILMA
The Lord God made the whole creation in six days
He invented the pattern of separating one thing from another
Just as the Lord Almighty separated the light from the dark
He also placed a sky between the heaven and the earth
He created a separate light for the day and one also for the night
Just as he made distinctions from each creature of each kind.
God was setting a pattern of time for us to follow
We are to work six days and keep the seventh day holy
The order that God initiated is purposeful and intentional
He made the whole creation for his grandiose plan of redemption
Let us then keep following the pattern of having a rest from work
Let this day of rest be a holy day to give all the praise to our Creator.
When we closely look at how God made every part of creation with much intentionality, we will begin to see the patterns that he is setting for us to follow. From dark and void and lifeless heaven and earth, he commanded light in existence, which began the existence of time from the distinction between the two. He called the light day and the darkness night. Thus, time came into being. It was God’s marker to let us see that he is a God of order and that he has everything under his control. The patterns of boundaries from day one to day 6 were so clearly illustrated in this account of creation. The seventh day, which he made holy is a day of rest and is separated from the six days of work. He wants us to keep it holy so that we won’t fall into sin. He wants to be connected to us on that day of rest so we won’t forget these patterns of separations and boundaries.
• Why do you think God made the 7th day holy?