juanita's unedited 042

February 22________________________________________
Why are you so angry? The Lord asked Cain. Why do you look so dejected?
-Genesis 4:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What is causing your sadness?
Why are you full of madness?
Anger is a manifestation of bitterness
It hinders your progress and makes you digress.
Why are you offended easily?
Do you think of yourself so highly?
Give up your bitterness and surrender to him
He will free you and make you overcome sin.
Have you ever observed how an angry person looks? I have lived with many angry people in my life that I can easily spot a bitter and angry person just by looking at their eyes. Their eyes look dead, no life, no glow. There is a saying that our eye is the window to our soul. Matthew 6:22-23 says that “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness.” This is the reason why our eyes reflect our spirit. When you are angry, you will exude the darkness in your heart in your eyes. When you are peaceful and joyful, you will radiate a glow.
In Genesis 4:6, doesn’t God already know that he killed Abel? I think God is confronting Cain, waiting for him to confess and repent.
Dear Lord, please release any form of anger and sadness in my heart.
Why do you think God confronts us when we sin?

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