GOD IN NATURE Poem Devotional

northbayfallvisit2013 132

May 24                                                                                 The Power of God’s Word
Only fools say in their hearts, ”There is no God.” They are corrupt and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! Psalm 53:1(NLT)
Tulips gracefully rising, cupping the sun’s light coming out
What a beautiful spring sunny day where birds come about
Leaves sprouting out from the branches of some trees
They finally come to life and survive the severe winter freeze.
Only fools say “There is no God”
The trees, birds and flowers give him laud
God cares and nourishes all his creatures
He manifests himself in all of nature.
Many unbelievers claim that there is no god. They make all kinds of theories of how the universe and everything came about. They concoct all kinds of stories to disprove the existence of God. The enemy has blinded them with lies that appear like truth to them. Their choice to believe these lies deprive them to see that there is a God who is magnificent and has created everything we can’t explain and understand.
Psalm 53 talks about fools that claim there is no God. They are corrupt and choose evil deeds. What will it take for people to believe that there is a higher being who made everything? Just watch the birds, the trees, the flowers, the river, the seas, and the skies. Who can create such magnificence?
Lord, thank you for your presence in nature!
Soak yourself in nature and feel God’s presence.