canadablooms 153 (2)

February 19________________________________________
From his throne he observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do. – Psalm 33:14-15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who can ever know what is in a man’s heart?
Who knows you through and through from the very start?
God made every living creature and each human being
He patterned them in his image so there is no hiding.
God knows each person’s heart from the very core
He can understand how it works even before it is formed
There is no point in running away from your heavenly father
He knows everything; after all, he is your maker.
Before I was a born again Christian, I had this habit of guessing people’s intentions and thinking. I think I learned this ungodly behavior from my work as a stage manager and an actor. When we make a character sketch of the role we are playing, we presume and assume certain traits of the person based on what they are saying and doing in the manuscript. I didn’t realize that this habit intersected my real life. I began guessing what people think and judge their actions.
1 Samuel 16:7 says that God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. Only God knows each person’s heart for he made us all.
Lord, help me never to try to interpret people’s hearts.
Why is it dangerous to assume or presume other people’s intentions?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com