canada day 2011 003

Aug 21                                                            The Power of God’s Word
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. – Psalm 56:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord knows and keeps track of all your sorrows
Whenever you feel down and seems there is no tomorrow
He wants you to trust him as you go through life’s battles
He has collected all your tears in your own bottle.
God keeps track of all your pain and suffering
He keeps a record of all the difficulties you are enduring
He knows every detail of your anguish
He wants you to overcome it and flourish.
Do you ever feel hopeless or helpless in your life? Sometimes life’s challenges can bring a person down. I used to be a pessimist and easily drawn to negativity. God has transformed me into a grateful person. He taught me to count my blessings and I kept a thank you diary since I was in my twenties. After many years of listing all the things I can be thankful for, I noticed how my negativity had melted down.
The bible tells us that God keeps track of all our sorrows. He collects all our tears in our assigned bottles and records everything. He knows every detail of our pain.
Lord, thank you for loving me much.
Why is it important to be grateful for all that we have?