Begin to Obey the Lord poem devotional

canadablooms 118
January 28________________________________________
The Lord sent me to prophesy against this Temple and this city. The Lord gave me every word that I have spoken. But if you stop your sinning and begin to obey the Lord your God, he will change his mind about this disaster that he has announced against you.
– Jeremiah 26:12-13(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord send us prophets so we can begin to meditate
Look and carefully examine how you are and how you relate
If there is any sin you have been convicted of, confess it
God will change you and you will be filled with his Spirit.
Begin to obey whatever the Lord asks of you
You will be amazed at what he can do
Miracles are not far to those who choose obedience
Disasters come to those who continue to be insolent.________________________________________
Many of us including me have at one point in our lives been insolent. I think it is normal for teenagers to go through this phase in their lives so that they can learn to see what the consequences of their wrong choices can bring about. But if it is a middle age person who continues to act like a rebel without a cause, there must be sin that is not seen at all.
The bible tells us how the prophet Jeremiah begged the Israelites to change and stop sinning so God will spare them the disaster.
Thank you Lord for protecting us and warning us.
Why is it essential to listen to warnings, especially from God’s prophets?
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