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November 13                                                                           The Power of God’s Word
He has not ignored or belittled the suffering of the needy. He has not turned his back on them, but has listened to their cries for help. – Psalm 22:24 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Have your needs been minimized and neglected?
Do you think that people don’t see and you feel rejected?
Has someone you love made it appear that your needs don’t matter?
Do you feel that you are a sinking ship that has lost its rudder?
Be joyful because God listens to the needy
He is there to give you help and is always ready
He will never belittle the suffering you encounter
He never turns his back on any of his believers.
What kind of message does it relay to you if your needs were totally ignored by your loved ones. When I experienced minimization in the past, I’d feel angry and rejected. Thank God that he has delivered me from neediness.
The bible says that God listens to our cries for help. He never ignores or belittles any of our needs, sufferings or pain. Despite the lies that Satan perpetuates in people’s minds that usually sounds like, “You and your needs are not important,” or voices inside that says “You don’t deserve anything!” Many years of my life were stolen by the enemy with these negative thoughts. I thank God he freed me.
Lord, deliver me from lies.
How can lies be busted?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to www.ilmaarts.com or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com

COMFORT GIVERS Poem Devotional

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July 31                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
–2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Christ died to relieve us from sin and pain
He sacrificed his own life so we can gain
God comforts us in our anguish and misery
Share the comfort to those who need it freely.
When others are troubled, we can provide help
When they are suffering, we can give aide and forget the self
When God grants us grace and mercy in when we are hurt
We are supposed to give it back to others in support.
The world has turned everyone around by seeking “self” first in everything. It has polluted our concept of love by pursuing love instead of giving it away. In God’s economy, we are required to give love. He will provide all that we need in return when we comfort others. He wants us to love one another as he loves us.
The bible tells us that God comforts us in all our troubles because he loves us. We must give back the comfort we received from God to others who need it. When they are troubled, we ought to give back the same comfort we received.
Lord, grant me to comfort someone today.
Why does God require us to comfort others?

DO YOUR BEST IN LIFE Poem Devotional

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June 29                                                   The Power of God’s Word
Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.–Ecclesiastes 9:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you bring out your best in whatever you do?
Do you settle for mediocrity and not care too?
Whatever you do, do the best you can
Excellence in using your gifts is part of his plan.
God created you to be like him
He is perfect in everything
He has equipped you with all things
Treasure this life; it is worth living.
Do you settle for anything less? My father taught me to do my best in anything I do. It is good to aim for the best, but when you chase excellence, be sure that you are guided with God’s truth and his will. I made a big mistake in the past to chase ambitions and dreams. I forgot that it was not mine and claimed the trophy for myself. The world view achievement for one’s own self. In God’s economy, everything must be done to bring glory only to the one and only creator. The bible tells us to do well in whatever we do. For when we go to the grave, there will be no work, no planning or knowledge or wisdom.
Lord, remind me to bring excellence to your name.
Why do you think “mediocrity” is not welcome in God’s kingdom?


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June 20                                                          The Power of God’s Word
God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us–2 Corinthians 2:3-4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you seek comfort from all your troubles?
Does it seem like you are buried in the rubbles?
The heavenly Father is the only source of comfort
He will carry your burden and give you support.
He consoles us in trials so we can soothe others
He expects us to do the same to our sisters and brothers
Amidst sufferings, God exudes his love, grace and mercy
We ought to share what we received and be a blessing.
We live in a world where people obsess about comfort. We want to avoid inconveniences. We work very hard to make our lives and our families comfortable. We rely so much on our own strength to ensure that we live lives of comfort. We resist any form of change that will compromise these comfort zones.
The bible tells us that the only source of comfort is God. He brings us comfort during our troubles but he expects us to give back the same comfort we received to others. He gives us strength to share it.
Lord, bring me someone I could bless.
How can you give back comfort to others?

POOR BUT RICH Poem Devotional

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June 16                                                                            The Power of God’s Word
Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing and yet we have everything.
–2 Corinthians 6:10 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Be glad when you are in pain, for you are chosen
You are promised a place in God’s kingdom in heaven
Your heartaches here on earth are temporary
Joy will replace that pain on the contrary.
You are poor and yet rich in spirit
Share openly what you have and give it
Be a blessing to others and you will be blessed
The Father gives to those who follow what he says.
The world’s connotation of poor and rich are so different from God’s perspective. Society puts premium on material wealth, power, fame, outward beauty, intelligence and human skills or talents to be considered as rich. It is very different in God’s economy. He considers those who are pure in heart, mind and soul as those who are rich. Those who are undergoing so much pain in life and have lost their way are the poor in spirit. God sent Jesus, to save those who are hurting and lost. The bible tells us that those in pain and are poor must not stop giving spiritual riches to others. Even if they own nothing, they have God’s spirit.
Lord, keep me joyful despite hardships.
Why are we supposed to bless others?


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June 9                                                                               The Power of God’s Word
Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean and our bodies have been washed with pure water.–Hebrews 10:22 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do your sins make you remorseful and wallow in guilt?
All you need to do is confess them and let Christ clean it
Because of grace, mercy and the love of God
Our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood.
Let us go right into his presence with sincere hearts
As we believe, he renews our mind to have a fresh start
Our bodies have been washed with pure water
We will be redeemed and join his kingdom that lasts forever.
Are you guilt ridden most of the time? Are you hard on yourself and others? Are you critical and judgmental of yourself and others? If you say yes to these three questions, you must be living in guilt. One of the devil’s tactics is to make you stay guilty and not confess your sins. He likes to steal our peace and joy.
The bible tells us that Christ’s blood have been sprinkled on us when we believe. There is no reason for us to stay in guilt because Christ paid for our sins at the cross.
Lord, keep me free from guilt.
How can guilt be an invitation to the enemy?

A PLEA FOR ANSWERS Poem Devotional

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June 2 The Power of God’s Word
Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me for your mercy is plentiful– Psalm 69:16 (NLT)

A poem and essay by ILMA
Lord, where are you when I am in need?
How long will my heart bleed?
I am surrounded by people who don’t show affection
How long will you heal them from their deep affliction?
Oh, how I long to be heard and be seen
Why do unbelievers reject love and chose sin?
Please renew my mind and cease my exhaustion?
Will you show me mercy in all my tribulations?
Have you ever prayed for a long time for someone or something to happen and yet see no answers to your incessant requests? The hardest thing to visually see is the change of heart of people. Only God can see someone’s heart and intentions. We will never be able to know or sense if someone’s heart and mind is being renewed by God. Their actions or circumstances may give us a clue as to what God has done to them. We can never really see or know what is in their hearts.
The bible tells us that God’s love is unfailing and that he takes care of us because he is full of mercy. He lavishes us with mercy and grace always.
Lord, give me wisdom to know when you have answered my prayers.
Why is it important to never lose hope?

GOD IN NATURE Poem Devotional

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May 24                                                                                 The Power of God’s Word
Only fools say in their hearts, ”There is no God.” They are corrupt and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! Psalm 53:1(NLT)
Tulips gracefully rising, cupping the sun’s light coming out
What a beautiful spring sunny day where birds come about
Leaves sprouting out from the branches of some trees
They finally come to life and survive the severe winter freeze.
Only fools say “There is no God”
The trees, birds and flowers give him laud
God cares and nourishes all his creatures
He manifests himself in all of nature.
Many unbelievers claim that there is no god. They make all kinds of theories of how the universe and everything came about. They concoct all kinds of stories to disprove the existence of God. The enemy has blinded them with lies that appear like truth to them. Their choice to believe these lies deprive them to see that there is a God who is magnificent and has created everything we can’t explain and understand.
Psalm 53 talks about fools that claim there is no God. They are corrupt and choose evil deeds. What will it take for people to believe that there is a higher being who made everything? Just watch the birds, the trees, the flowers, the river, the seas, and the skies. Who can create such magnificence?
Lord, thank you for your presence in nature!
Soak yourself in nature and feel God’s presence.