October 27
A poem by ILMA
Faith is feeling certain of something even if we don’t see it
If we don’t show it by our actions, then it is no good
Undemonstrated faith doesn’t save anyone
For faith alone without works is dead and useless.
Would you just ignore someone who asks you for help?
You can’t just say to them “Have a good day and goodbye”
It doesn’t do anyone good if it doesn’t produce deeds
For faith is manifested by things that is done by the believer.
Abraham was shown to be right by his willingness to sacrifice his son
His faith and his actions when he offered Isaac worked together
His actions made his faith complete because it proved it
We are made right with God not only by faith but by actions.
Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.
– James 2:17
Read: James 2:14-24
There are some Christians who claim they believe in God and yet they never showed any signs of it. As a believer, we are expected to manifest our trust in the Lord by our good deeds. We are instructed by God to love one another and by doing so, we actually show that we love him. When we don’t couple our faith with good deeds, we are being hypocritical.
• Why do we need to show by our actions our trust in God?
• How can faith in action convince an unbeliever to turn to God?
• Why do we need to grow our faith as Christians?
• Why do you think faith is very essential in a Christian’s life?
• What have you done to grow your faith?

GIVE IN PRIVATE Poem Devotional

November 22________________________________________
Give your gifts in private and your Father, who sees everything will reward you.
– Matthew 6:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you want to supply and help someone in need
Make sure that you do in secret your good deeds
Your Father in heaven don’t want you to boast
You’ll forfeit your reward from Him when you do so.
Give your gifts in private and you’ll be rewarded in heaven
Announce it and you will lose your points in the kingdom
Give a lending hand but do it out of love and be discreet
Don’t make it about you, it will not be pleasing to his Spirit.
It is easy to make a big deal out of every good deed we do. Only God’s Spirit can give us the humility to make it about Him and not about us. The enemy wants to trap us into thinking that it is always a venue to show off our actions, especially when it is doing good. The gospel of Matthew cautions us to watch out that we don’t make a performance of the things we do for others or for God.
When I came to Canada, I was surprised to see a gift giving tradition of reading aloud the cards we receive and to open the gifts that we get. For me, it seems like waiting for the person to thank me for what I got them.
Lord, let me have discretion whenever I do a thoughtful or generous act to someone.
Why are we cautioned from showing off our generosity?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


collingwood 148

January 4
You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. – Romans 7:4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believed in Christ
He has made you right
You died to the power of the law
Because of this, He will make you grow.
God wants you to walk in love
That’s what Jesus died for us to have
We can produce a harvest of good deeds
That was what the sacrifice on the cross did.
Do you ever wonder what Christians would be without the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? We would probably still be going around in circles trying to take away the sins we inherited on our own. We would always be striving to be good and yet have no progress in our effort.
The bible says that we have died to the power of the law when Christ died. When he was raised from the dead, we were also raised and as a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. In other words, we won’t have victory in this life without the sacrifice on the cross. Jesus paid the price for our sins.
Lord, help me to focus on the cross.
What good deeds have you harvested as a result of Christ’s sacrifice?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at