October 26
Wealth is treacherous, and the arrogant are never at rest. -Habakkuk 2:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you seeking to gain more wealth?
Do you find yourself loosing rest?
Obsessing on wealth is dangerous
It is tricky and can be treacherous.
When you are constantly busy and restless
The devil may be leading you towards blindness
Behind that compulsion to be busy is arrogance
Watch that you don’t give in to the tricks of Satan.
John 10:10 clearly says that the enemy’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy us while the Lord gives us an abundant life. There are many tricks the enemy throws at us. The sad thing is that we don’t even see them. He does it subtly and hides it cleverly like an undercover agent, making sure that he penetrates into the weaknesses of their subjects.
The book of Habakkuk was written by a prophet who was concerned about social justice. He asks the question “If God exists, why do the wicked so often prosper? Habakkuk preached before Babylon’s fall in 586 B.C. God answers Habakkuk in this book, asserting him that he will judge all people and righteousness will ultimately prevail.
In this verse, we are warned against the treacherousness of wealth and that restlessness can be a form of arrogance. Isn’t it so true that when we obsess about possession, we are relentless at getting it?
Lord, deliver me from the love of money and arrogance.
How can busy-ness be a manifestation of arrogance?
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