May 29
A poem by ILMA
When Mordecai learned about Haman’s decree to kill all Jews
He tore his clothes and put on burlap and wailed in mourning
As news of the king’s decree reached all the provinces
There was great mourning as well among the Jews.
The Jews fasted and wept and wailed and lay in burlap and ashes
When Esther heard from her maids and eunuchs what happened
She was deeply distressed and sent clothing to Mordecai to replace it
She ordered Hathach the eunuch to find out what’s troubling him.
Mordecai gave Hathach a copy of the decree to kill all the Jews
He asked him to show it to Esther and explain the situation to her
He instructed to tell her to beg the king for mercy for her people
Mordecai reminded Esther that she too will be annihilated.
One night, the king couldn’t sleep and read the records of his reign
He saw how Mordecai have saved his life and realized he wasn’t rewarded
So, he asked Haman what’s to be done for a man who truly pleases the king
And he thought it was for him, not knowing the king wanted to honor Mordecai.
Quick! Take the robes and my horse, and do just as you have said for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the gate of the palace. Leave out nothing you have suggested. – Esther 6:10
Read: Esther4-6
What an interesting twist of the story of someone who plotted to kill the Jews. Haman’s evil plans was exposed and the punishment he planned for Mordecai became for him. We see how God protects the righteous people.
• What was Mordecai’s motive to kill the whole Jewish race?
• What can prayers and fasting do to a person’s life?
• How did the Lord delivered Mordecai from Haman’s evil plans?


May 28
A poem by ILMA
Some time later King Xerxes promoted Haman son of Hammedatha
His position was made the most powerful in the empire of Xerxes
All the king’s officials would bow down before him when he passed by
Everyone paid him respect but there was one who didn’t, Mordecai.
The palace officials asked Mordecai why he refused to bow to Haman
They confronted Mordecai why he wouldn’t comply with the order
So, they told Haman to check if he would tolerate Mordecai’s conduct
Haman was filled with rage when he learned of Mordecai’s was a Jew.
So, he decided it wasn’t enough just to lay hands on Mordecai’s alone
He plotted to annihilate the entire race where he came from
Haman looked for a way to destroy all the Jews in the entire empire
He reported to the king what kind of threats that it would entail to keep them.
The king agreed to Haman’s proposal and handed his signet ring to him
King Xerxes gave him permission to do as he sees fit to the Jews
At the king’s command, the decree went out by swift messengers
A copy of this decree was to be issued as law in every province.
Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews through the entire empire of Xerxes.
-Esther 3:6
Read: Esther 3
Doesn’t this story of Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews similar to Adolf Hitler’s hatred for the Jews? This character is a clear epitome of wickedness. Only because Haman wouldn’t bow down to him, he plotted to kill the whole race.
• How can the love of power and control bring about destruction in our lives?
• What manipulation tactic did Haman use to convince the king to write that decree to annihilate the Jews?