HE HAS TAKEN AWAY OUR SINS poem devotional

tulipfestival 092

January 10________________________________________
“Take off his filthy clothes.” And turning to Jeshua he said, “See, I have taken away your sins, and now I am giving you these fine new clothes.” – Zechariah 3:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When God gave us his only begotten Son
He has taken away the sins that harm
It is like wearing filthy clothes when we sin
Jesus died on the cross so we can be redeemed.
Jesus gave us a whole new life to enjoy
He wants us to seek him so we can have joy
Don’t go back to your old rotten ways
He paid a high price so you can be changed.
I was raised by people who were obsessively clean. My mother ensured that the whole house is free of dust and that we are all well groomed and have clean surroundings. I guess it contributed to my being sickly as a child because I had no immunity to any germs around me. My mother made sure everything was spick and span. I became an obsessive cleaner as well. There was a time that I finally gave up this compulsion and learned to enjoy life even if everything wasn’t spotlessly clean.
The bible compares sin to dirty clothes and the blood of Jesus gave us the chance to change the filthy clothes with fine new clothes. When Christ died on the cross, he took away our sins.
Help me to always choose to do right.
When did you literally feel that you were cleansed from sin?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com