quebec canyon and alton ir 133

May 1

And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart – Ezekiel 36:26(NLT)


A poem and essay by ILMA

Lord, we lift up to you all those hearts are stubborn

Give them someone who can lead them to the right direction

Let them know that they can run to you and not be condemned

Provide a repentant heart so they’ll stop the tendency to blame.

Replace their hearts of stone to one that is responsive and tender

Change the way they look at things so they’ll know your character

Heal them from past hurts and abuse they have gone through

Release them from the enemy and help them discern your truth.

The world is full of hearts that have turned into stone. This epidemic has caused many failed relationships and even physical death to many people. When hearts are stubborn, people fail to see God’s goodness and faithfulness. Pride is the root cause of a hard heart. Hurts and abuses can usually turn a person’s heart into stone. The bible tells us about God’s promise to change our stony stubborn hearts and replace it with a tender and responsive hearts. Before he can do that, we need to let him in and do his job. He is the only one who can change it.


Lord, show me how to seek your heart always.


What blocks people God’s invitation to have a relationship with him?

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