August 17________________________________________
You are my servant, Israel, and you will bring me glory. – Isaiah 49:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you bring the Lord glory
It manifests you love him faithfully
He called us all to serve him
He wants us to turn our backs to sin.
If you are a follower, you will obey
He wants you to follow what his word says
Serve the Lord wholeheartedly and patiently
You will bring his kingdom all the glory.
The Lord calls Israel to be faithful servants and to bring him glory. This is not just a command to Israel, but to all who commit to become believers. How do we bring the Lord glory? The bible says that if we seek first his kingdom, all these things will be added unto you in Matthew 6:33. He also said in Deuteronomy 11:13 that we ought to love God and serve him with all our hearts. In John 12:26, it says that whoever want to serve God must follow him, so that the servant will be with the Lord wherever he is and the Father will honor those who serve him.
There were many years of my dark life that I put my whims and pleasures first than God. It did not go well with me. God had to literally strip me off all things that will distract me from making him first.
Lord, let me bring you glory and honor always.
How can you bring glory to God in this very chaotic world?
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