pinery camping 2014 and others 552

Nov 12
For God says, “I will break the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the godly.” – Psalm 75:10 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you struggling with some weaknesses?
Don’t fret, for God will manifest his faithfulness
If you want your strength to increase
Stay in his love, righteousness and peace.
He promises provision to those who love him
Stay faithful and abide in him to avoid sin
He will break those who perpetuate evil
To his people, he lets them defeat the devil.
Have you ever been so sick that you had no strength to even lift your hands or go to the bathroom by yourself? There were three months of my life in my early thirties that I was bogged down by Hepatitis A. It was probably caused by ingesting with contaminated food from street food. In the Philippines, it is a common practice to buy foods from street vendors. It was the most helpless experience I have ever had. My son was about 8 years old that time and I had a cousin who was vacationing with us who was 12 years old. I felt so weak and tired and couldn’t even get on my feet or sit up in bed. Just like we need physical strength and good health, we need spiritual strength, which can only be given to those who are godly.
Lord, please remind me to run to you when I need strength.
What does the bible mean when it says we are strong when we are weak?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at