May 11________________________________________
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
-James 4:7(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you humble yourself to the Lord
You are bringing him praise and laud
It is the way Christ lived his life
He wants you to soak in his bright light.
Do not think highly of yourself than others
Remember, they are all your sisters and brothers
When you live in humility, you resist the devil
When you give up pride, you are running from evil.
There are many ways to fight the devil but the most effective is to obey the Lord and humble oneself. This is how we ensure that we close tightly the door so that there is no chance that he can penetrate in our hearts.
The Lord Jesus Christ lived an example of humility. Even though he was God himself, he chose to be born of humble origins. Despite his lordship and power, he decided to become a man and fulfill the promise of God to save us all from sin.
Humility is only achieved through the grace that God gives us. We cannot attain it in our own strength. It is a free gift that can only be received by obedience. When we have a relationship with Christ, we hear his voice. We have a choice to obey what he asks and have the humility to give him praise.
Lord, thank you for sampling humility to us.
How can we learn to obey and be humble?
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