PAUL’S ARREST Poem Devotional

July 3
A poem by ILMA
The whole city was rocked by the accusations to Paul and a riot ensued
Paul was grabbed and dragged out of the Temple and gates closed
As they were trying to kill him, word reached the commander
The Roman commander of the regimen heard of the uproar.
He immediately called out his soldiers and officers and ran the crowd
When the mob saw the commander and the troops, they stopped beating Paul
Then the commander arrested Paul and ordered him bound in chains
He asked the crowd who he was and what he has done.
Since he couldn’t find out the truth in all the uproar the confusion
He ordered Paul to be taken to the fortress but the mob was so violent
The soldiers had to lift him to their soldiers to protect him
The crowd followed behind, shouting “Kill him, kill him!”
As Paul was about to be taken inside, he asked to commander for a word with him
The commander asked if he was the Egyptian who led a rebellion
Paul replied “I am a Jew and a citizen of Tarsus in Cilicia
He asked the commander to talk to the people and he agreed.
As Paul reached the stairs, the mob grew so violent the soldiers had to lift him to their shoulders to protect him. – Acts21:35
Read: Acts 21:30-38
The reaction of the crowd to Paul was so unthinkable. For someone who has done nothing wrong but to follow the Holy Spirit, it is evident how corrupt Jerusalem has become. They needed someone to blame and condemn and just like they did to Jesus, they are actually repeating it on Paul
• Why do you think the crowd was so violently and vehemently adamant to kill and persecute Paul? What ticked them off?


May 18
A poem by ILMA
The leaders came to Ezra to say that some priests and Levites intermarried
They have not kept themselves separate from other people living in the land
They have taken up the detestable practices of the other foreigners
Israelites have married women from these people and bore children.
The holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages
Worse yet, the leaders and officials have led the way to this outrage
Ezra tore his cloak and shirt, pulled his hair and beard and utterly shocked
All who trembled at God’s words came and sat outraged like Ezra.
At the time of the sacrifice, Ezra mourned and fell on his knees to pray
He told God how ashamed he was for the sins piled higher than his head
He mentioned that their guilt has reached the height of the heavens
From the days of their ancestors until now, they have been steeped in sin.
He thanked the Lord for His grace to allow them to survive and be remnants
The security God gave them has granted them some relief from slavery
The Lord has given them protective wall in Judah and Jerusalem
He led the people to confess and repent of what had been done.
O Lord, God of Israel, you are just. We come before you in our guilt as nothing but and escaped remnant, thought in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence.
– Ezra 9:15
Read: Ezra 9
This prayer of Ezra is what all of us should be praying for ourselves and for all those believers who have gone astray. His level of repentance and confession is incomparable. This story reminds us how we oftentimes rebel against the will of God but he always forgives those who repent and confess their sins.
• What happens when we compromise and mix ourselves with what God detests?


May 13
A poem by ILMA
Despite having an evil father in Amon, you pleased the Lord your God
Though you were only eight years old when you were put in the throne
You never turned away from doing right and stayed humble and pure
During the 8th year of your reign you began to seek your ancestor David’s God.
On your 12th year of reign, you started to purify Judah and Jerusalem
You began destroying all pagan shrines, Asherah poles and carved idols
You ordered the demolishing of Baal’s altar and incense altars broken down
You also demanded to smash the cast images; had bones of the pagan priests burned.
When Hilkiah discovered the original scroll that Moses has written the laws of God’s
You summoned all your advisers and inquired about the words written in the scroll
The prophet Hildah, the wife of Shallum, keeper of the Temple wardrobe was consulted
She talked of God’s anger towards the people for turning to Baal and other pagan idols.
Because you were sorry and humbled yourself to God for the people’s sins
He blessed you with such glorious kingship and the best Passover festivals
No other kings can compare to your Festivals in all of the history of Israel
You were greatly blessed with bringing an end to idolatry that happened.
He pledged to obey the Lord by keeping his commands, laws and decrees with all his heart and soul. He promised to obey all the terms of the covenant that were written in the scroll. – 2 Chronicles 34:31
Read: 2 Chronicles 34
So far, from all the many readings I have encountered of Israel’s kings, I think Josiah is one of the humblest and obedient kings Israel would have had. He followed King David’s footsteps. Despite the sins of his father and ancestors, the Lord blessed him.
• Why is obedience and humility very important in being victorious and blessed in the life of a Christian?