April 21________________________________________
You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessings on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. -Psalm 139:5-6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who is there to keep on pursuing someone like me?
Who can continue to love me despite all my sins?
The Lord relentlessly pursue his beloved children
They want them all to eventually join him in heaven.
Lord, you go before me and follow me
You never leave me or abandon me
Such knowledge makes my heart glad
I am forever grateful to you, my God!
Have you ever been pursued relentlessly by someone who loves and cares for you much? In my forties, I met someone who would do anything for me. He came to meet me from another part of the world just to show his deep desire to get to know me. He even came to my country of origin, the Philippines from Canada despite the breakout of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) which was a contagious respiratory illness. He took the risk of going to a place where he had never been just to take care of me during my surgery. I have never been pursued in my life so persistently. I felt very blessed and loved.
The bible tells us that there is only one other person who will never stop pursuing us despite our unworthiness.
Thank you for chasing me even though at times I am not worthy.
How can we relentlessly pursue God the same way he persistently does?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


April 17________________________________________
If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison – your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. – Luke 14:26(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you commit to be a follower of Jesus
Nothing or no one else is very precious
Jesus must always be your priority
Otherwise, you won’t have the authority
Only through Christ can we be brave
Jesus must come first, then you can be saved
If you want to be his disciple, focus on him
It will make you overcome temptations to sin.
“Blood is thicker than water” is a saying that means that the ties that bind are stronger when it comes to family than people outside the family. However, in the bible, Luke 8:21 says that our mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice. Our spiritual family isn’t necessarily our blood kin. It may be any believer who applies God’s word in their lives.
It was very difficult for me to believe this old saying that blood is thicker than water because I didn’t feel that I belonged to my own family. I am so blessed now to have found a family of believers where I belong. You can’t be a disciple of Jesus if you don’t make him first in your life.________________________________________
Lord, help me to never prioritize anyone but you.
Why do people sometimes make their family first than God? What’s wrong with that?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

ON SERVING WELL Poem Devotional

March 3
You must show appreciation to all who serve well. -1 Corinthians 16:18(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who serve the Lord and others devotedly
They show how much they love God faithfully
When we do it to others as we would do it for the Lord
We are following his command and bringing him laud.
Let us applaud those who serve faithfully
They are exuding love and humility
Only by serving others can we prove we love Jesus
It shows that we value others as very precious.
One of the most taken for granted job is the service industry. Many people look up to higher positions in their chosen field because it pays more money and gives them prestige and power. Somehow the idea that leading others by being in top positions will make others respect them more. We live in a world where “service” is something to be ashamed of. Power and positions are given value while serving others are for those who are poor and uneducated.
In God’s economy, it is the opposite. Jesus’ ministry focused on serving others. Jesus was the epitome of “servant leadership.” He didn’t flaunt his power and authority. Even though he was God, he served his own disciples. He shepherded his flock by guiding them and catering to their needs. He championed serving others. We must show appreciation to those who faithfully serve others with much love.
Lord, show me never to miss an occasion to serve others.
How can serving others be a ministry for the Lord?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

LIVE FOR TODAY Poem Devotional

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February 24

Don’t long for the good old days. This is not wise. -Ecclesiastes 7:10(NLT)


A poem and essay by ILMA

Don’t yearn for the good old days

They are long gone, just think of today

When you look in the past and pine for it

It will hinder your growth and block God’s spirit.

When you focus so much on tomorrow

It may bind you to worries and sorrows

Live for today and continue to pray

God’s perspective will easily be on the way.

Our world is beset by so much seeking for control. We want to have control over our health, our children, our spouse, our jobs, our time, our finances, and many more. The enemy has lured us all into doing things and being independent, which sometimes can go way over. It can dangerously lead us to isolation and self-reliance.  I had my share of this pursuit to take control of many things until God saved me from this detrimental obsession to take charge and fix things.  I participated in this futile act of “control” by worrying too much, planning unrealistically and overanalyzing things and situations. Anxiety over the future led me to have all kinds of illnesses. I didn’t realize that the stress was taking a big effect on my body and mind. Planning unrealistic dreams set up me up for frustrations. Now, God taught me how to live for today and rely on him.


Lord, help me to live one day at a time.


How can focusing on the present allow you to stay healthy?

For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


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February 16________________________________________
Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of him. For when he spoke, the world began. -Psalm 33:8-9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
How much blessings and grace have you received?
Do you thank the Lord and continue to believe?
Let the whole world fear and revere a mighty God
Let everyone glorify the Lord and give him laud
For when he breathed and spoke, the world began
When man disobeyed and sinned, he gave his only Son
What have you done to bring him honor and glory?
If you walk in love and seek him, you will have victory.
Do you know anyone who just spoke and created something? When we plan something, it first enters our minds and then we speak about it and finally do something to have it realized or come true. There is power in speaking. What we speak is actually what is in our hearts. If we constantly say words of encouragement, we will reap good things. If we make a habit of saying negative things or complaining, we will reap bitterness and more suffering.
The bible tells us to revere and glorify the Lord. It is only right to do so because he created us all from nothing. He opened his mouth and said a word, and we became flesh. He didn’t use anything else to create the world and man.
Lord, I praise and give you glory for all that you are.
Why is it important to revere the Lord?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


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October 20
Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. – Hebrews 6:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What are the dreams that you’ve hope for?
Do they make you closer to God and faithful?
For wishes to be come true, keep on believing
To realize them, you also need to keep on loving.
Walk in love for as long as life lasts
It is the secret to fulfilling dreams fast
Living a life full of love makes anything possible
Satisfying selfish pleasures make it improbable.
What dreams have come true for you already? What other wishes have not come to fruition yet? When I was three years old, I was captivated by paintings and wished I was a painter. That dream didn’t come true until I was thirty-two years old. What took it that long? I was living in rebellion and disobedience many years of those era of my life. When I decided to turn to God again at age twenty-nine and became celibate and more loving to those around me, he made the impossible dream come true. I became a self-taught or rather God-taught painter. I sold over 75 artworks by the time I had my very first solo exhibit. Our dreams will be realized if we keep on loving others.
Lord, help me to never live out of love.
What dreams are being hindered to happen because of your unloving ways?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


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August 31
I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts. -Isaiah 57:15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who have been crushed and humbled
Their spirits will be restored and they won’t crumble
The Lord will always be there for the heartbroken
He revives the courage of those who are downtrodden.
Those who were once lost but have repented
They will be protected and will be rejuvenated
Jesus Christ died so that the oppressed will be saved
The Lord’s power will help them once again to be brave.
Whenever we are oppressed and discriminated, we usually react very negatively. We either get angry or keep a grudge inside us or we start making vows that we will never allow anyone again to put us down. This is the natural reaction we humans respond with in times of being treated unjustly. How does God want us to respond to such injustice? What would Jesus do when he was treated unfairly? 1 Peter 1:6-7 commands us to be truly glad when we have trials and sufferings while we are here on earth because it shows that our faith is genuine.
Jesus Christ is the restorer of the crushed spirit of the humble and he revives the courage of those who have contrite hearts. All of those who are unjustly treated will have a revival.
Lord, thank you for dying for the oppressed and broken hearted.
What manifestations of revival have you experienced after much pain and suffering?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

THE GOD WHO CARRIES US poem devotional

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April 28
Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Interlude.
-Psalm 68:19(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever we experience pain or suffering
God carries us through so we can go on living
Each day he brings us strength to overcome our trials
He wants us to praise him and join his Spirit’s revival.
Proclaim God’s greatness and shout out his glory
He will always be faithful to bring you out of misery
He provides for all that we face and lead us to victory
Like a parent, he will carry us through all adversities.
Have you noticed how little children want to be carried? Most babies and toddlers crave for closeness with family, especially their mother (the one who brought them into this world). I remember my son was almost always in his baby carrier right in my chest. I was a single mom and couldn’t afford babysitters, so I brought him everywhere: the stores, market and even the school where I taught. He always felt secure if he knew I was beside him.
God wants us to rely on him just as a child would rely on their parents. He wants us to know that he will always be there for us no matter what. He carries us through all circumstances whether we acknowledge it or not. He never forsakes us.
Lord, thank you for carrying me through all odds.
When did God walked you through a difficult circumstance? Did you give thanks and praise?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


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April 5________________________________________
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you grateful for all the things you have?
God provides for our needs; so rejoice and be glad
He brings us the sunshine so we can be warm
He gave us the rain to grow crops in our farm.
He brought people to love us so we can feel special
He wants us to know that he will always be loyal
Rejoice and be glad that he gave us this day
Enjoy and live it to the fullest everyday
I have been with so many people who do not know how to enjoy their lives. Their pessimism can affect others around them and I admit that I became joyless for many years. Somehow, the Holy Spirit took hold of my heart early when I was in my teens and whispered to me to enjoy life despite all the pain I was going through. This led me to become hungry for knowledge. I learned to channel all my energies to sports, the performing arts and reading books. I discovered that pursuing and training myself with things that interests me took my mind off all the suffering. I began to enjoy life from all that God gave me. So I learned to rejoice and be glad.
Lord, thank you for each day, help me enjoy it and rejoice.
How can you maintain joy in our lives on a regular basis?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at



January 11________________________________________
It has come at last-salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth.
– Revelations 12:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you find it hard to conquer sin?
Come to God so he can forgive you and redeem
There will be a time that salvation and power will reign
The Kingdom of God is manifest in Jesus’ name.
When he comes again, the accuser will be defeated
All believers will be holy and never have sins repeated
The enemy will cower over Christ’s authority
All Christians will rule as well and have victory.
Do you or did you ever struggle with sin? I was a bondage to sin for many years. What sin did to me was devastating. It made me rebel and disobey the Lord. It made me cater to my flesh and desires. I served myself for many years and was deluded to think that I was alright and that I actually was a good person. I did many things on my own will and effort. I wasn’t following God’s will therefore I never had victory over sin.
The bible describes to us how the end times will be in Revelation. Satan, the accuser of all believers will be defeated. Christ will rule and the enemy will be crushed under Jesus’ authority.
Lord, help me never to rely on myself to conquer sin, but to you alone.
Are you exercising your authority over the devil as a believer?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at