monocliffhike 052

Sept 13                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don’t participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy.
-Romans 13:13 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
God gave you the choice to either be corrupt or pure
You can dwell and participate in evil but your life will be unsure
You can drown in sexual promiscuity, jealousy, envy and fights
Happiness and peace will evade your life and you will lose sight.
If you choose to live a godly and righteous life
You will reap wisdom and holy insights
Clothe yourself with the presence of Christ
Then you will be victorious, holy and right.
Do you consider yourself a believer or an unbeliever? Paul stresses the importance of living righteous lives once you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. The moment someone declares that they believe in God, they are expected to live in the light. All forms of darkness must be given up. In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul urges Christians to live decent lives for everyone to see. He cautions them not to participate in wild parties, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, immoral living, quarreling and jealousy. How you live your life as a believer must reflect Christ.
Lord, give me courage to win over temptations.
Why are Christians expected to live pure lives?