INFINITE GOD Poem Devotional

August 13________________________________________
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. -Isaiah 40:28(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Don’t worry about your life too much
You serve an infinite God who cares
He never grows weak or weary
He loves you much faithfully.
He created all things on earth
He is pleased with all that he made
Serve only the God who is endless
There is no other god who is boundless.
There are many people who have no concept of the infiniteness of the Lord. He alone created the whole universe with his spoken words. No person or other gods can ever do what he did. It is sad to see people live in unbelief and rebellion to an infinite God. He loved us so much and created all things for himself. We were all designed to please him because that is what we were made for. But because of the first fall, we have veered away from the plan that he had for us since the beginning of creation. How can we ever repay a God who did everything for us with such unfaithfulness and lawlessness?
The bible tells us how good our Lord is and how infinite he is. He knows all things. He defeated death by dying on the cross for us and redeeming us from the debt of sin. He never grows weak or weary.
Lord, let me meditate you’re your infinite mercy, glory and love for us.
How can you give praise to an infinite God like Jesus?
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