October 14________________________________________
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide.
– Psalm 119:98(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The love of the Lord protects me
His commands bring me peace
His instructions guide me as I live
I can win the battle if only I believe.
The Lord’s guidance makes me wiser
I don’t have to live being a loser
I will obey his word and his instructions
It leads me to the path to salvation.
It is unwise to be a Christian and not be guided by the Lord’s instructions. Our lives will bring troubles and confusion if we do not follow the Lord’s commands. I’d like to liken his instructions to the rules made my parents for their babies and toddlers to learn to follow. We tell them to keep out of electrical outlets, appliances that would hurt them or to watch where they are going. As they grow up and learn to do things on their own, often, they cease to follow the parent’s regulations because they are experimenting with having their own independence. Once they go their own way and forget how these rules have protected them, they can be in trouble.
It is almost like our Father in heaven, who lays down rules for us to follow. It is to ensure that we are guided and protected against evil attacks of the enemy and the world’s corruption.
Lord, help me to be wiser by following your commands.
How can obedience to God make us wise?
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