March 12
5 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. 6 Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. – Colossians 4:5-6
In these verses, Paul continues his instructions to the Colossian believers. In this part of his letter, he instructs them on the following:
1. To exercise wisdom towards people outside their faith or unbelievers
2. To make use of every chance they can to witness to those who do not know God
3. To speak graciously with gentleness and love
4. To be observant of other people so they can be wise in responding to each of them
How do you exercise wisdom to unbelievers? We can’t just be wise without outwardly manifesting it. Why is it important to especially watch yourself when you are with unbelievers? Because they watch every move we do. They want to see if we walk our talk. We need to convince them with our lives; that our faith is making Jesus attractive to them.
According to, the ancient city of Colossae was built on a major trade route through the Lycus River Valley in the Roman province of Asia Minor (in the southwest corner of modern-day Turkey). There the Co¬lossians manufactured a beautiful dark red wool cloth (colossinum) for which the city became famous. Their city was busy with trading and most people forget the focus on using connections with others as a way to bring the Good News. Most people are busy earning money and enriching themselves.
How do we become gracious in our speech and be attractive to others? We can’t be able to be gracious if we don’t know Christ. He is the epitome of grace and love. We need to be able to follow how Christ was abundant in grace and love. It is love that makes everything full of grace. Wright comments that “The word ‘grace’ has, in Greek as in English, the possible double meaning of God’s grace and human graciousness.”
To be able to observe others is a gift that comes with those who have walked in the Spirit.
As we become Christians, the Holy Spirit uses us as a vessel to be sensitive to others. He leads us away from “selfishness” to “selflessness.” It is only by depending on God’s Spirit
that we will see others the way God sees them. We can’t see others when we don’t truly love as Christ loves us.
• Why did Paul emphasized the importance of living a public life with integrity?