monocliff 2011 068

October 5________________________________________
Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. – 1 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Believers are expected to pray for authorities
Intercede for them because of their duties
They need strength and wisdom to lead
It will make them maintain order and peace.
Pray that they will be led by the Spirit
It will bring harmony to their country
Entreat that they will live godly lives
Ask that they be righteous and abide.
If most believers pray for their leaders, we probably would have a more peaceful world. If people cared more about who to place in authority when they vote, there will be less corruption in the government and no room for much dishonesty. Just like any of us ordinary people, if we are not anointed and appointed by God to do or lead something, we will not succeed in that feat. King David was anointed to be king. Because, he was chosen by God, he led his people righteously. It didn’t exempt him from being tempted and from human’s fallen nature, but he was a king who was after God’s heart.
The bible emphasizes the importance of praying and interceding for all authorities so that we will live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
Lord, keep all leaders free from corruption and greed.
Why do you think we need to pray more for leaders these days?
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