canadablooms 019 (2)

March 11
Rivers of tears gush from my eyes because people disobey your instructions.
– Psalm 119:136(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever I see Christians rebelling against God
It’s hard to watch their hearts go hard
Rivers of tears gush from my eyes
I pray that they be delivered from sin and lies.
I feel so much sorrow to witness their rebellion
I cry out to God so they can be led to salvation
Lord, free them from slavery to lawlessness
Show them the way to your righteousness.
When I was saved, God began to show me what my generational sins were and how I could be freed from them. It was through his word that I got free from all the lies that were perpetuated by the enemy for many years in my family. It took a while before I actually clearly understood why my life was such a mess and why there was so much suffering and pain. The minute I gave up rebellion, arrogance and pride, a lot of things became clearer. It was the spirit of rebellion and trauma that ran in my family for many generations.
Now that Jesus has set me free, it pains me to watch those who have turned their backs to God and have hardened their hearts.
Lord, please lead the rebels back to you.
How can a Christian help other lost believers to return to God?
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