August 6________________________________________
I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way.
-Isaiah 42:16(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever we encounter the unknown
We can be stressed and anxious for long
The Lord promised us a new way
Don’t fret or fear the unfamiliar
God never leaves or forsakes us
Let’s rely on him and constantly trust
When the fear of the unfamiliar comes
God is there to guide and to calm.
When I was about six years old, I got lost in a crowd while my mother and I were shopping in an outdoor marketplace. I didn’t realize I was holding on to a stranger’s hands, thinking that she was my mother. Then I began to panic and fear crept in. It was a very unfamiliar place since it was my first time to be there. With tears running down my cheeks I walked and walked looking where I lost sight of her. It seemed like ages when I found her. She didn’t even notice I wasn’t beside her and got lost. Fright can overwhelm us when we experience the unknown and the unfamiliar.
The bible says that the Lord leads us down a new path when we tread on something that we are not used to. We need not be afraid or be anxious when we are in situations where we feel helpless and not in control.
Lord, give me courage to face the unfamiliar.
How can we be able to develop an automatic trust to God when we face the unknown?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com


August 3________________________________________
I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them.
-Isaiah 42:16(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who belong to the Lord
They are directed by his precious word
His guiding light brightens all darkness
He smooths out the road that was crooked.
God’s glorious light exposes all dark nooks
He ensures wisdom to those who read his book
There is no lie that his truth won’t expose
Depend on him and he will give you all the resource.
Have you over sat in a place surrounded by pitch darkness? Do you recall how it made you feel? Fear usually creeps in because you never really know what’s lurking in that darkness. This can be likened to our spiritual poverty where we have lost our way and have turned our backs on God. The experience envelopes one with fear, insecurity and a feeling of hopelessness and gloom. During the dark years of my life, I lived in that abyss and emptiness. It was a miracle how God turned it around when I re-dedicated my life back to him and chose a devoted path to him. He smoothened the road ahead of me and brighten the dark spots. He convicted me of the sins I was imprisoned in and freed me through his word. The truth actually set me free and transformed me into the new person he had always intended me to be.
Lord, thank you for your glorious light that guides my dark paths.
How can you live in God’s glorious light?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com