SINS SWEEP US AWAY Poem Devotional

collingwood 228

June 21
We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away into the wind. -Isaiah 64:6 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who among you can say they are without sin?
We all want to satisfy ourselves and win
When we display our righteous deeds
We wither and fall like autumn leaves.
Like falling leaves, our sins sweep us away
We must be constantly on our knees to pray
Our human nature is bent and sinful
But God is always forgiving and faithful.
Autumn is one of the prettiest time of year. For an artist like me, I revel at this wonderful color tapestry in nature. When I moved here to Canada in my forties, my first experience of falling leaves was so amazing. I was like a little kid dancing in the falling leaves. The bible likens our sins to falling leaves in the autumn. Like the dead leaves that fall and is swept away by the wind here and there, our sins bring us to spiritual fall and death.
The bible says that no one is exempt from sin. We are all infected and impure with it. When we boast about our good deeds, it is such a shameful feat. It is not going to bring us closer to Christ.
Lord, help me never to show off my good deeds.
Why do you think we are discouraged in the bible to show off our righteousness?
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