canadablooms 153 (2)

October 2________________________________________
For when I called, you did not answer. When I spoke, you did not listen. You deliberately sinned-before my very eyes-and chose to do what you know I despise. – Isaiah 65:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is your heart pining for God or for this world?
How often do you connect with him through his word?
Do you answer when he calls you to do something?
Do you hear him speak especially when he is convicting?
Do you ignore and pretend he doesn’t exist in your life?
Have you hardened your heart to miss seeing his light?
Do you continually defy his commands and follow your will?
Run to him so he can soften your hearts and win over sin.
The hardest people to deal with are those who have hardened hearts. How do you know people who have hardened hearts? They are not hard to spot. They usually have a frown pasted on their face. They complain a lot and make other people’s lives miserable. They are very unforgiving and judgmental. They kill your joy and don’t appreciate anyone or anything. They always look at the dark side of things and sometimes suck the life out of you. The bible always warns us to guard our hearts. If our hearts are not pure, we are opening the door for the enemy to enslave us in sin. Do you deliberately ignore God’s call and defy him by continually sinning?
Lord, let me be connected to you so I can hear your voice.
What is your heart’s condition?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com