September 12________________________________________
All day long I opened my arms to a rebellious people. But they follow their own evil paths and their own crooked schemes. – Isaiah 65:2 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you oftentimes question and defy things in life?
Have you purposely disobeyed a command of Christ?
The rebellious spirit wants you to go against the Lord
Fight against being bound by it through God’s word.
Do you know that God always waits on you to obey?
He has your welfare look after, that is his way
Do not follow evil paths and crooked plans
You’ll invite trouble if you resist his commands.
Why are people inclined to rebel instead of obey? Do you notice how children in their innocence still have that tendency to not follow? The spirit of rebelliousness is an aftermath of the first original sin. After the fall of Adam and Eve, we naturally tend to go against rules or laws. The whole theme of the old testament is the rebelliousness of the Israelites against a God who had a good plan for them. This is why it took them forty years to go on a journey to the promised land when it was just an eleven-day travel. Don’t we rebel at some point in our lives? I was freed from this spirit when I became born again. The word of God led me to obey because it was the antidote for it.
Thank you Lord that you are always there to welcome me back when I turn against your will.
What consequences have you suffered through rebellion?
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