April 9________________________________________
But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law. – James 2:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
God created all men differently but equal
He is patient with us and he is always loyal
He doesn’t prefer someone else over another
He wants us to love all of our sisters and brothers.
If you have a prejudice over the weak or the poor
You are guilty of breaking the law, you are a fool
When you favor someone else over another
You are sinning against God and your neighbors.
When I came to Canada, I never thought I would experience prejudice just because I came from Asia. Moving to a small town with thirty thousand people and with a majority of Caucasians, posed a challenge for me during the first eight years of my move here. In 2004, I would say that there might have been only a handful of Asians or Black people here, probably not even a hundred out of that population. I wasn’t even aware of it at the beginning, but then as months passed by, I encountered hostile looks, being treated like you are stupid and can’t understand them. Some did silent mockery by minimizing your capacity and skills or not giving you an opportunity to get the good job positions. The bible says that it is a sin to have prejudice over others.
Lord, please help me never to mistreat anyone or be biased or judged someone different from me.
Why does God hate prejudice?
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