PRAY IN SOLITUDE Poem Devotional

June 23
Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. – Luke 5:16 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you pray, go to a place of solitude
It will set you for the right attitude
To spend time with the Lord requires intimacy
It allows you to hear his voice easily.
Even Jesus withdrew often to pray in the wilderness
He took all the chance to be with God regularly
Pour out your heart and spend time to pray quietly
The Lord waits on you to make him your priority.
The movie “War Room” inspires us believers to find a place where we can cry our hearts out to the Lord in prayer. In it, the wife converted a walk in closet to be her war room where she puts sticky notes all over the walls with her requests and spends much time with God. She learned how to do this from a much older woman whose life was focused on getting down on her knees and being intimate with the Lord. As she went deeper in prayer, she got transformed into a new person. The husband and daughter witnessed how changed she was that they became curious what was in the closet. As they discovered all the prayer requests, they too began to follow what she was doing. Their family got renewed. Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness to pray in solitude. No distractions.
Lord, help me to find time to always be in solitude with you.
What would your advice be to someone who is new in praying?
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