June 5
A poem by ILMA
When three of Job’s friends heard of the tragedy their friend went through
Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar got together and went to console and comfort Job
When they saw Job from a distance, they scarcely recognized their friend
Job was wailing loudly and they tore their robes and showed their grief.
Eliphaz gave his first response to Job’s bitterness and anguish in his condition
At first, you’d think this friend was really there to comfort Job in his agony
Then he started accusing Job that he must have sinned to go through this
His discourse was all about making Job repent and gave counsel that is biased.
Then Bildad the Shuhite started verbalizing his theories about Job’s predicament
He assumed that Job or his children must have sinned that’s why he’s punished
He mentioned that God will never reject a person of integrity
He thinks that Job is actually guilty for him to have such adversities.
Then Zophar the Naamathite started rebuking Job as well
Like the two other friends, he was sure that God was punishing him
He asked Job to confess and get rid of his sins so his life will be better
For if he didn’t, he will be blinded and the only hope is death.
For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.
– Job 12:10
Read: Job 2-12
When I read these chapters, it was hard to believe how Job could have friends like these three people who were such accusers and blaming. It is interesting what these three friends represent in Job’s life. I see a parallel to the Pharisees in Jesus’ time where they accused Jesus of something he never did. I think the devil used these friends to add torment to Job’s loss of wealth, family and health in the guise of friendship.
• How do we know if our friends are really godly and righteous people?