AS YOU REST Poem Devotional

February 24
He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. – Job 33:15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
As you lie down in your bed to sleep
God sorts your problems while you rest
Keep still and know that he is there
Don’t live in anxiety and fear.

As you rest and replenish your strength
The Lord straightens everything that is bent
As you relax and trust him, he will give you answers
He wants you to have faith for he is the best provider.
There are many bible characters that have been given visions and prophecies while they sleep. Joseph, the husband of Mary was given instructions to marry his fiancée even though she was pregnant already. Daniel was able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream which made him part of the king’s counsel.
Sadly, in our modern age, we sometimes get little time to sleep or rest. There are so many stimulants to give us time to relax. Even planning a vacation becomes work in itself and fail to be a source of replenishing the mind and body. Researchers say it does seem clear that sleep is key to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself — a feature called plasticity.
I think that God designed us to sleep so he can help us solve our issues and regenerate our minds, bodies and spirits.
Thank you Lord for giving us time to rest.
Why is sleep or rest crucial in our existence?
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