June 1
A poem by ILMA
There was once a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz
He was blameless- a man of complete integrity and honor
He feared God and stayed away from all kinds of evil
He had seven sons and also had three daughters.
He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 teams of oxen.
He also had 500 female donkeys and many servants
He was in fact the richest person in that entire area
Job’s son took turns to hold feasts including their sisters.
When these celebrations of Job’s children end after several days
Job would purify his children, get up early morning for offering
He offered a burnt offering for each of them to cleanse them
It was his regular practice so that they will be right in God’s sight.
One day, God and the member of his heavenly court met and Satan came
God asked where he was and he said he’d been watching over the earth
God asked Satan if he noticed Job who was full of integrity and blameless
Satan challenged God that if he was stripped off his riches, he will do evil.
Satan replied to the Lord, “Yes, but Job has good reason to fear God. You have always put a wall of protection around him and his home and his property. – Job 1:9-10
Read: Job 1
This man Job sounds like a fairy tale good person. It almost didn’t look real because he was living in so much comfort and wealth. The only difference with other characters in real life is how much he wants to stay uncorrupted by the world. It is interesting how God boasts about this blameless man who is full of integrity.
• Do you think that God boasts about you when you live a pure and blameless life?
• What separates a righteous and an evil person? Don’t they both sin?